Whirly Bits / Integral Bits

Micon Products Ltd. supplies high quality integral drill bits also known as whirly bits for use in mining and construction. We have rock drill bits in many different sizes and lengths.
Standard shank size is 7/8”x4-1/4” for use on hand held rock drills as well as pluggers.
7/8”x3-1/4” shank sizes available on request.
We also have high quality bits for hand held CP9 and MRD9 rock drills.


Integral Bits (Whirley Bits)

Part # Bit Size
Bit Size
Length Under
711-2117 17mm 5/8" 8" 6"
711-3617 17mm 5/8" 14" 111/2"
711-2120 20mm 3/4" 8" 6"
711-3120 20mm 3/4" 12" 10"
711-4820 20mm 3/4" 18" 16" 3
711-6320 20mm 3/4" 24" 21"
711-2122 22mm 7/8" 8" 6"
728-0422 22mm 7/8" 14" 11" 3
728-0425 25mm 1" 14" 12" 3
728-0625 25mm 1" 24" 22" 4
728-0627 27mm 11/16" 24" 22" 4
728-0429 29mm 11/8" 14" 11" 3
728-0432 32mm 11/4" 14" 12" 3
714-0632 32mm 11/4" 24" 22" 4
714-0834 34mm 13/8" 32" 30"
728-0435 35mm 13/8" 14" 12" 3
714-0635 35mm 13/8" 24" 22" 5
728-0438 38mm 11/2" 14" 12" 3
714-0638 38mm 11/2" 24" 22" 4
714-0840 40mm 15/8" 32" 30"
714-0641 41mm 15/8" 24" 22" 4
7/8" x 3 1/4" Also Available
3/4" x 4 1/4" Also Available
Other Sizes Available On Request

CP-9/MRD-9 Bits

Part # Bit Size
Bit Size
Length Under
CP9-5/8x8 17mm 5/8" 13" 8"
CP9-5/8x12 17mm 5/8" 17" 12"
CP9-3/4x8 20mm 3/4" 13" 8"
CP9-3/4x12 20mm 3/4" 17" 12"
CP9-7/8x8 22mm 7/8" 13" 8"
CP9-7/8x12 22mm 7/8" 17" 12" 2
CP9-1x8 25mm 1" 12" 8"
CP9-1x12 25mm 1" 17" 12" 2
Other Sizes Available On Request
Points and Chisels Also Available for CP-9 / MRD -9
Visa Accepted

Visa & Mastercard Orders accepted by phone, fax or email

MasterCard Accepted

Micon Products Ltd.
1325 Cartwright Street, Granville Island
Vancouver BC, Canada V6H 3R7
Contact Us: info@miconproducts.com

Hours of Operation are 7am to 4pm Monday through Friday (Pacific Time Zone) UTC -08:00

Toll Free in North America: 1 866 683-1285
Phone: (604) 683-1285
Fax: (604) 683-1597