Stone Finishing Hammers Thru Hardened and Tempered - Suitable for Very Hard Stone

Finishing Hammers

Our stone trimming and finishing hammers are manufactured by Micon Products in Vancouver, Canada. Each stone hammer is made of high quality steel that is through hardened, tempered and finished with a strong hickory handle. These trimming hammers are designed for stone masons working with granite and other hard stone. The hammers are available in different styles. The chisel end of the stone hammer is used for splitting, shaping and facing stone. The concave end allows for a sharp edge for trimming and finishing. Other stone hammer styles are available on request. Every rock hammer made by Micon Products is designed for the stone mason who is looking for quality masonry tools.


Single Edge
Concave Tapered
Finishing Hammer

#1 3 Lb. In-Line Chisel and Concave End
#1S 3 Lb. In-Line Chisel and Square End

Single Edge
Finishing Hammer

#3 4 Lb. In-Line Chisel and Concave End
#3S 4 Lb. In-Line Chisel and Square End

Double Edged Concave
Finishing Hammer

#2 3 Lb. Concave Ends and Tapered Sides
#2S 3 Lb. Square Ends and Tapered Sides
#4 4 Lb. Concave Ends and Tapered Sides
#4S 4 Lb. Square Ends and Tapered Sides
Looking for Pneumatic Carving Chisels?

Call Toll Free in North America: 1 866 683-1285
for Custom and Larger Hammers

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Micon Products Ltd.
1325 Cartwright Street, Granville Island
Vancouver BC, Canada V6H 3R7
Contact Us:

Hours of Operation are 7am to 4pm Monday through Friday (Pacific Time Zone) UTC -08:00

Toll Free in North America: 1 866 683-1285
Phone: (604) 683-1285
Fax: (604) 683-1597