The Rebit Line of Stone Working Tools for Granite Carving

Stone Carving Tools

We didn't have to go far to find someone stone carving with Rebit Chisels. Noe Costa has been using them for years and has nothing but praise for the Rebit Line of Chisels. The globe that Noe is working on is carved from a 24" cube of granite. Rebit Stone Carving Tools were used exclusively to create the globe shape and countoured effect of the continents.

Pitching Tool for Stone Carving

This particular Pitching Tool (the one with the square tip on the left) is used to square up oddly shaped size granite boulders. This Pitching Tool is perfect for stone carving, creating squared blocks for use in House Facings, Wall Designs or Garden Walkways.

Hand Point Chisel

The Hand Point Chisel is used as a finishing tool in stone carving, creating detail where the larger tool can't access. It is also used for removing drill marks and high spots on granite slabs.

Carbide Tip

The Pitching Tool to the right has been used by Noe regularly for the past 14 months for stone carving. Noe also commented on the fact that the tools he tried before would never last more than 2 or 3 months. The Craftsmanship of the Rebit Line is second to none. As you can see, the Pitching Tool is still in good condition with the Carbide Tip held firmly in place, even after 10 or more bit sharpenings.

Stone Splitting and Stone Carving

The back of this Hand Set is also in good condition. It's not splintering or mushrooming, which would mean the shank is too soft. As Noe says, "Shanks on Rebit Tools are designed so you can use them comfortably for an entire day of splitting and carving".

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