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Micon Products Ltd.
1325 Cartwright Street, Granville Island
Vancouver BC, Canada V6H 3R7
General Enquiries: info@miconproducts.com
Toll Free in North America: 1 866 683-1285
Phone: (604) 683-1285
Fax: (604) 683-1597 |
Stone working Tools & Stone Carving Tools
Granite Working Tools
Stone Carver's Starter Kit
Stone Carving Tools
Stone Masonry Tools
Marble Working Tools
Stone Splitting Tools
We have a number of dealers in Canada and the USA selling our stone working tools.
For a dealer in your area or if you are interested in becoming a dealer please phone or email.
If we are unable to provide a dealer in your area we will be happy to sell to you directly.
Construction, Mining, Tunnelling & Ground Support Tools
Driver Tools for Split Set (Friction Bolt)
Nut Runners & Bar Spinners for Mining
Steel & Aluminum Scaling Bars
Hollow Core Anchor Hardware
Drill Steel
Please feel free to email or phone for information on any of our products for construction and mining.
We stock most common split set driver tools/friction bolt drivers in SS33, SS39, SS46 and are capable of making specialty drivers to meet your needs.
Our scaling bars are usually kept in stock or can be made within a few days.
The most common Carbide Cross Bits and Steel Cross Bits for R25, R32, R38 are kept in stock. Other threads available on request.
We stock H thread drill steel, rope thread drill steel, integral drill rods. R38, T38, T45 drill rods are also available.
Carbide Button Bits and Carbide Cross Bits for production use are kept in stock in R25, R32, R38, T38, T45 threads as well as H thread.
We stock the most common couplers, adapter couplings and bit adapters. Special order adapters can be made to meet your drilling needs.