Wedges & Shims by Micon Products Ltd. for Rock Splitting, Stone Splitting, Granite Splitting, Marble Splitting

Wedge & Shims

Also known as Wedge and Feathers. These tools are the oldest and still one of the best ways to split stone. Small wedge and shims in 5/8" and 3/4" sizes are good for stone yards or stone masons who want to reduce their rocks to workable sizes. Larger sizes 1", 1-1/4", 1-3/8" are for splitting large rocks. Our high quality wedge and feathers are made for splitting granite and other hard stone.






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Micon Products Ltd.
1325 Cartwright Street, Granville Island
Vancouver BC, Canada V6H 3R7
Contact Us:

Hours of Operation are 7am to 4pm Monday through Friday (Pacific Time Zone) UTC -08:00

Toll Free in North America: 1 866 683-1285
Phone: (604) 683-1285
Fax: (604) 683-1597